
Sep. 22 (Sat) Palace 10K

Organizer: Junko

集合: 16:30@桜田門(コース上の他の場所で合流してもOKです。)


参加する場合は前日までにメールかこのブログにコメントしてご連絡ください。(メール: veganrunners at gmail.com)  初めて参加の方はメールで、携帯など連絡先を教えてください。直前に天候等でキャンセルする場合に連絡します。

Saturday, Sep. 22
Meet at Sakuradamon around 4:30 pm (You can join at another place on the course if you want. Just let me know where I should expect you.)

Planning to a pace run for 2 loops. Around 5:30min/K pace or a little more but feel free to choose your own pace.

If you are coming, let me know via e-mail or by commenting on this post by Friday. (E-mail: veganrunners at gmail.com) If this is your first time, please e-mail with your contact information in case of last minute cancellation due to bad weather, etc.

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