Dec. 24 (Holiday), Palace Long Run
集合: 14時@桜田門の交番のあたり。17時ぐらいまで走ってますので、好きなときにジョインしてもかまいません。
December 24th (holiday)
Meet at Sakuradamon (near the police box) around 2 pm. Will be running at a gentle pace from 2-5pm. Please feel free to join at any time during that time.
Last Week's Takao Trail Running
It was just four of us, Junko, Hiro, Allyn and Molly, getting together at Takaosanguchi Station in the cold and rainny morning of the holiday Friday, Nov. 23. We were so glad at the top of Takao to have this great view of beautiful, misty mountains.
At Momiji Dai, near the top of Takao, colored leaves were so beautiful, and we got to run on a pretty carpet of momiji's. :)))
Most part of the path where we didn't have the momiji carpet was very muddy and slippery, though. We decent from Kagenobu Yama and ran the Ura-Takao path to Takao Station from which we took a train back to Takaosanguchi Station to retrieve our stuff from lockers (but now I think we could've just run to Takaosanguchi Station instead of Takao Station......next time!).
We were so hungry after the run that we went straight to Chien Fu (Nakaichi Sosyoku) in Kunitachi for yummy vegan lunch!
Thanks for the great run!
Dec. 1 (Sat) Yoyogi Park Run
集合: 代々木公園原宿口@9時
December 1 (Saturday)
We'll meet at the Harajuku entrance of Yoyogi Park around 9am, and let's enjoy an easy run in the autumn color park. I'll be running from 9 to 11 (I may need to leave a little bit earlier than 11, though) so feel free to join anytime during that.
Nov. 23 (Fri), Takao-Jimba Trail Running
集合: 高尾山口 改札出て左手の駅ロッカー付近@9時
予報では雨が降るそうです。もともと陣馬→高尾を予定していましたが、雨ではハイカーも少ないだろうと見込んで、一般的な高尾→陣馬にしようと思います。高尾山口から走り陣馬方面に向かい、どこかで引き返します。陣馬山頂まで行くかどうかはご自分のコンディションで判断してくださいね。参加する人は前日までにご連絡ください。(veganrunners at gmail.com)
November 23 (holiday Fiday)
We'll meet at the station locker area just outside of Takaosanguchi station around 9 am.
It's going to be rainy and windy according to the forecast. Originally we were planning the Jimba to Takao trail, but since there may not be many hikers due to the weather so we'll just do the regular Takao to Jimba trail run. We'll run towards Jimba and make a u-turn at some point, but please feel free to go all the way if you like! If you are joining this run, please let me know by e-mail (veganrunners at gmail.com).
Nov. 18 (Sun) Palace Run
16時から18時まで皇居をぐるぐる走ります。途中参加でも結構です。参加される方は当日の14時ぐらいまでにメールでご連絡ください。(veganrunners at gmail.com)
November 18 (Sunday)
Meet near the police box at Sakuradamon at 4pm.
I will be running from 4 to 6 pm. Feel free to join/leave anytime. If you are coming please e-mail me by 2pm on the day. (veganrunners at gmail.com)
Oct. 20 (Sat), Palace Run
集合: 17時@桜田門
Oct. 20 (Sat)
Meeting at the Sakuradamon area near the police box around 6pm.
Or feel free to join/leave anytime during my run between 5 and 8pm. I will run at an easy pace (28-30min/lap).
Looking forward to running with you!
Oct. 14 (Sun) Tamagawa
October 14 (Sun)
Meet at the station lockers (outside of Kaisatsu) in Futako Tamagawa Station around 2pm.
Let's run from Futako Tamagawa along Tama River for 20-30K. If you are not up for a long distance, you don't need to run all the way so feel free to adjust the distance by choosing the halfway point. Let me know if you are coming!
Oct. 8 (Holiday), Palace Run
夕方の皇居を軽く2、3周流します。参加される方は前日の21時までにここにコメントするかメールでご連絡ください。(メール: veganrunners at gmail.com) 初めて参加の方はメールで、携帯など連絡先を教えてください。直前に天候等でキャンセルする場合に連絡します。
October 8 (Holiday Monday, Taiiku no Hi)
Let's meet @ Sakuradamon around 4pm (or feel free to join at the place convenient for you on the course. Just let me know where I should expect you.)
This will be an easy jog around the palace for 2 to 3 loops (or as much as you want).
If you are coming, let me know via e-mail or by commenting on this post by 9pm on the previous day. (E-mail: veganrunners at gmail.com) If this is your first time, please e-mail with your contact information in case of the last minute cancellation due to bad weather, etc.
Oct. 7 (Sun) Tamagawa Run
集合: 京王相模原線多摩川河川橋下@13時ごろ (地図)
多摩川沿いを15~20Kぐらいゆっくり走ります。あるいは自分のペースで好きな距離を走ってください。参加される方は前日の21時ごろまでにここにコメントするかメールでお知らせください。(veganrunners at gmail.com)
October 7 (Sun)
We will meet on the river bank under the railroad bridge (Tamagawa Kasen Hashi Shita) around 1pm. Click here for the map of the location. This place is 3 min walk from Keio Tamagawa station and 18 min from JR Yonoguchi station (Nambu line).
Let's run along Tama River for 15-20K (or as much as you want). If you are coming, please let me know by 9pm on the previous day by leaving a comment here or e-mailing to veganrunners at gmail.com.
Sep. 30 (Sun) Palace Run
We changed this to Arakawa long run. We will meet at the south exit of Hirai Station (Sobu line) around 2 pm. Please contact for the details.
Organizer: Junko
集合: 16:00@桜田門(コース上の他の場所で合流してもOKです。)
参加する場合は当日の正午までにメールかこのブログにコメントしてご連絡ください。(メール: veganrunners at gmail.com) 初めて参加の方はメールで、携帯など連絡先を教えてください。直前に天候等でキャンセルする場合に連絡します。
Sunday, Sep. 30
Meet at Sakuradamon around 4 pm (Feel free to join at the place convenient for you on the course. Just let me know where I should expect you.)
This will be an easy jog around the palace for 2 to 3 loops (or as much as you want).
If you are coming, let me know via e-mail or by commenting on this post by the noon time on the day. (E-mail: veganrunners at gmail.com) If this is your first time, please e-mail with your contact information in case of last minute cancellation due to bad weather, etc.
Sep. 29 (Sat) Arakawa Run
集合: 15時ごろ@平井駅 南口(総武線)
参加される方は前日中にメールかコメントで連絡ください。(veganrunners at gmail.com)
Sep. 29 (Sat)
Meet at the south exit of Hirai Station (Soubu line) around 3 pm
We will put our bags in the station lockers and head to Arakawa to run 20-30K. There are water fountains and restrooms along the river (not sure if they have paper, though...). If you want to freshen up after the run, there are several sentos around Hirai station.
If you are coming, please e-mail or comment on this blog by Friday. (e-mail: veganrunners at gmail.com)
Sep. 23 (Sun) Yoyogi Park Run
集合: 16時半、代々木公園入口(原宿側の入り口)
参加される方は当日のお昼までにメールかこの投稿にコメントして連絡ください。(e-mail: veganrunners at gmail.com)
September 23 (Sunday)
Meet at 4:30 pm at the Harajuku-side park entrance
If you are coming, e-mail to veganrunners at gmail.com or post your commnet on this blog by the noon time on the day.
Happy Vegan Running!
Sep. 16 (Sun) Yoyogi Park Run
集合: 16時半、並木通りのコインロッカー前(NHKホール近く)
代々木公園内でLSDをします(または自分のペース/距離で気軽に走りましょう)。参加される方は当日のお昼までにメールかこの投稿にコメントして連絡ください。(e-mail: veganrunners at gmail.com)
September 16 (Sunday)
Meet at 4:30 pm at the coin lockers near NHK hall on Namiki Dori. (Map)
We'll do LSD in the park or feel free to run as much/fast as you want. If you are coming, e-mail to veganrunners at gmail.com or post your commnet on this blog by the noon time on the day.
Happy Vegan Running!
Sep. 22 (Sat) Palace 10K
集合: 16:30@桜田門(コース上の他の場所で合流してもOKです。)
参加する場合は前日までにメールかこのブログにコメントしてご連絡ください。(メール: veganrunners at gmail.com) 初めて参加の方はメールで、携帯など連絡先を教えてください。直前に天候等でキャンセルする場合に連絡します。
Saturday, Sep. 22
Meet at Sakuradamon around 4:30 pm (You can join at another place on the course if you want. Just let me know where I should expect you.)
Planning to a pace run for 2 loops. Around 5:30min/K pace or a little more but feel free to choose your own pace.
If you are coming, let me know via e-mail or by commenting on this post by Friday. (E-mail: veganrunners at gmail.com) If this is your first time, please e-mail with your contact information in case of last minute cancellation due to bad weather, etc.
Sep. 15 (Sat) Palace 20K
集合: 16:30@桜田門(コース上の他の場所で合流してもOKです。)
参加する場合はメールかこのブログにコメントしてご連絡ください。(メール: veganrunners at gmail.com) 初めて参加の方はメールで、携帯など連絡先を教えてください。直前に天候等でキャンセルする場合に連絡します。
Saturday, Sep. 15
Meet at Sakuradamon around 4:30 pm (You can join at another place on the course if you want. Just let me know where I should expect you.)
Planning to run at an easy pace around 6 min/K for 4 to 5 loops. But of course, feel free to run at your own pace and the distance you like. You can join/leave whenever you like.
If you are coming, let me know via e-mail or by commenting on this post. (E-mail: veganrunners at gmail.com) If this is your first time, please e-mail with your contact information in case of last minute cancellation due to bad weather, etc.
Sep. 9 (Sun) 20K+ flat trail run around Inba Numa 9/9(日)
京成臼井は京成上野駅から1時間ぐらい、640円です。私は13:47のに乗っていく予定です。参加する人は当日の10amまでにメールかこのブログにコメントして連絡ください。初めての人はメールで、連絡先も一緒に送ってください。(メール: veganrunners at gmail.com )
Sep. 9 (Sun)
Meet around 3pm at the Keisei Usui station.
Use the station locker at the Usui station for your stuff, and we'll run the 20K+ flat trail around the Inba Numa.
Kesei Usui station is about 1 hour from Kesei Ueno (costs 640 yen). I'll take the 1:47 train from Kesei Ueno which arrives Usui at 2:47. If you are joining this run, please let me know by 10am on the day via e-mail or post your comment on this blog. If this is your first time, please e-mail me your contact information. (e-mail: veganrunners at gmail.com)
Sep. 8 (Sat) Swim at the Meguro Outdoor Pool 9/8(土)
September 8 (Sat)
Come join my swim any time between 5:30-7:30 pm. If you are not sure how to get there, we can meet at the JR Meguro station around 5:15.
Sep. 1 (Sat) Yoyogi Park Run 9/1(土)
集合: 16時半ごろ@代々木公園原宿口
Meet at the Harajuku entrance of Yoyogi Park around 4:30 pm
Planning to do about 4 rounds of the 2.5K loop, but feel free to run at your own pace for as many loops as you want, of course. After the run, maybe we can go to a sento and/or a veggie restaurant near the park.
If you are coming, please let me know by the preceding day via e-mail. vegan.runners@gmail.com
8/25 (Sat) Swim at the Meguro Outdoor Pool
集合: 18時、目黒区民屋外プール (17:45ごろに目黒駅西口で待ち合わせ。もちろん直接プールに行ってもOKです。)
Meet at the west exit of JR Meguro station around 5:45 pm. Feel free to go directly to the pool, if you like.
Let's enjoy a cool early evening swim the 50 meter outdoor pool in Meguro where you can swim for 2 hours for 200 yen. Swimming can be a good cross-training for running, too, expecially in this brutally hot weather. But if you also want to run, we can jog along Meguro River before the swim. Your suggestions are welcom.
If you are coming, please let me know by Friday, the 24th by e-mail (vegan.runners@gmail.com).
8/12 (Sun) Beach Run & Ocean Swim
集合: 15時 由比ガ浜海水浴場
Time: 3 pm @ Yuigahama beach (near Kamakura)
We'll run on the sidewalk along the beach towards Enoshima, U-turn somewhere to come back to Yuigahama and finish with swimming.
If you are interested, please contact (vegan.runners@gmail.com) by around August 8th (Wednesday) because if not much interest, I might cancel this.
8/4 (Sat) Mt. Takao Trail Running
16時集合 @高尾山口駅
Time: 4pm
Meet @ Takao Sanguchi Station
We'll start from Takao Sanguchi Station and run via the top of Takao towards Jimba and make a U-turn somewhere. I will upload more details later.
In case of rain/bad ground condition, this event will be canceled.
If you are coming, let me know via e-mail (vegan.runners@gmail.com). If this is your first time, please send me your cell phone information, too. In case of cancelation, I will call you.
7/15 (Sun) Yoyogi Park Run
集合: 17時 @ 代々木公園 原宿側の入り口
Time: 5 pm
Meet at the Harajuku-side entrance of Yoyogi Park.
We'll do some rounds of our 2.5K course in Yoyogi Park. Please come to the meeting point in your running gear. Use station lockers, etc, for your stuff. If you need more information about locker/shower location, let me know.
If you are coming, please let me know by e-mail (vegan.runners@gmail.com) by the noon time of the event day.
6/10 (Sun) 5K Time Trial
Joining another running group, meeting outside of the Otemachi C9 Exit (in front of Citibank) at 10AM.
5K time trial and then I'm planning to do easy jog for some more rounds.
Let me know if you are coming. I'll run rain or shine.
6/3 (Sun) Tokyo Kita Marathon (Half and Full)
7 of the Vegan Runners will run Tokyo Kita Marathon (6 half, 1 full). This race will be held on the course along Arakawa River. Will post photos later!
5/26 (Sat) Easy jog around the palace
場所: 桜田門の交番の近く
初参加の場合はvegan.runners@gmail.com までメールでお知らせください。その際、携帯番号か携帯メールを知らせてください。急なキャンセルなどの場合、連絡するかもしれないので。
Time: 4:30pm
Meet @ Palace (Sakuradamon, near the police box)
Easy jog (10-15K) around the Palace (or as much as you like). E-mail me or leave a comment here and let me know if you are coming.
If this is your first time to run with us, please contact me with your cell-phone information (number or e-mail) via e-mail (vegan.runners@gmail.com) in case of last minute cancel or change.
Happy Vegan Running!
Photos from Takao Trail Running (03/25/2012)
4/18 (Wed) Palace Night Run
Organizer: Junko
集合:19:00 @ 桜田門の交番のそば
Meeting: 7:00pm @ near the police box at Sakuradamon
Easy jog around the palace for 2 or 3 loops. If you come late, find us by running clock-wise.
This run may be canceled in case of rain. If you want to join this run, please let me know by e-mail or commenting on this blog by the evening of the day before. If this is your first time to attend, please contact me with your cell-phone information (number or e-mail) via e-mail (vegan.runners@gmail.com) in case of last minute cancel or change.
4/15 (Sun) Easy jog around the Palace
Organizer: Junko
集合:3:00pm @ 桜田門の交番のそば
Meeting: 3:00pm @ near the police box at Sakuradamon
Easy jog around the palace for 2 or 3 loops. If you come late, find us by running clock-wise.
This run may be canceled in case of rain. If you want to join this run, pleaselet me know by e-mail or commenting on this blog by the evening of the day before. If this is your first time to attend, contact me with your cell-phone information (number or e-mail) via e-mail (vegan.runners@gmail.com) in case of last minute cancel or change.
4/1 (Sun) Palace LSD
集合: 1pm @ 桜田門の交番のそば
LSD (Long Slow Distance)で皇居を6周ぐらい走ります。途中、歩きや休憩を入れたりするかもしれません。無理なく自分のペースで走りましょう。途中からの参加や、先に上がってもいいです。
Meeting: 1pm @ near the police box at Sakuradamon
LSD (Long Slow Distance) for 6 loops around the palace. Run at your own pace with occasional walking and breaks. You may join or leave any time.
This run may be canceled in case of rain. If you want to join this run, please e-mail (vegan.runners@gmail.com) or commenting
on this blog by the evening on the day before (March 31). If this is your first time to attend, let me know by e-mail your cell-phone information (number or e-mail) in case of last minute cancel or change.
Happy Vegan Running!
3/25 (Sun) Mt. Takao Trail Running
集合: 12pm @ 高尾山口駅の改札を出たところ。
Meeting: 12pm @ just outside of the Takao Sanguchi station
Use the station restrooms to change your clothe (there are restrooms inside and outside of the station. I think the inside is cleaner). And use the station lockers just outside of the station for your bags, etc.
We will run on the Inariyama course (http://www.takaotozan.co.jp/cource/cource07.htm), or if we have more energy, we may go on till Shiroyama or Kobotoge Toge (http://www.takaotozan.co.jp/cource/cource08.htm).
This run will be canceled in case of rain on the day or the day before. If you want to join this run, please e-mail (vegan.runners@gmail.com) or commenting on this blog by the evening on the day before (March 24). If this is your first time to attend, let me know by e-mail your cell-phone information (number or e-mail) in case of last minute cancel or change.
Happy Vegan Running!
Yamathon anyone?
E-mail me at : vegan.runners@gmail.com
What's your race schedule for 2012?
Tell us which races you are doing this year!
みなさんの今年のレーススケジュールはどんなですか? コメントで記入してください。
2/24 Friday Evening Palace Run (Tokyo Marathon Eve Eve Palace Run)
Organizer: Junko
集合:19:00 @桜田門(交番ボックスの近く)
皇居を軽く流します。反時計回りに走りますので、遅れてしまった場合は、時計回りに走って見つけてください。ランの後は、チャヤかain sophで軽く食事。 雨の場合はキャンセルする可能性があります。東京マラソン前々夜のランになります。そんなに混んでいないことをねがいつつ。。。
Starting from Sakuradamon at 7:00pm (meeting near the police box). This will be an easy jog around the Palace for 2 or 3 loops. If you come late, run clock-wise and find us. :) It will be Tokyo Marathon Eve Eve run...hope the palace is not so crowded.
After the run, we'll have a quick vegan bite at Chaya or ain soph.
If you are planning to come, please let me know by Thursday evening by commenting on this blog or via e-mail (vegan.runners@gmail.com). If this is your first time, please e-mail and let me know your cell phone info (number or ketaie-mail) in case I need to cancel this last minute due to weather. If you have any questions regarding locker/shower facilities around the palace, let me know.
Photos from the previous Ekiden race

2/15 Wednesday Evening Palace Run
集合:19:00 @桜田門の交番の近く。
ランの後は、いつものチャヤマクロビに行きますので、時間が許せばぜひどうぞ。食事だけの参加、ランだけの参加も歓迎です。 雨の場合はキャンセルする可能性があります。
Meet me at Sakuradamon at 7:00pm (near the police box). This will be an easy jog around the Palace for 2 or 3 loops. If you come late, run clock-wise and find us. :)
After the run, let's go to our usual Chaya Macrobi, for a quick vegan bite. Feel free to join even just for run or meal. :) In case of rain, I may cancel this run.
If you are planning to come, please let me know by Wednesday morning by commenting on this blog or e-mail (vegan.runners@gmail.com). If this is your first time, please e-mail and let me know your cell phone info (number or ketai
e-mail) in case I need to cancel this last minute due to weather. If you have any questions regarding locker/shower facilities around the palace, let me know. Pls note: the locker/shower facilities (especially men’s locker room) tend to be very crowded on Wednesday night.
2/12 (Sun) Palace Run
集合:3:30 @桜田門の交番の近く。
ランの後は、いつものチャヤマクロビではなく、東銀座のain sophでカーボロードしようと思います。時間が許せばぜひどうぞ。食事だけの参加、ランだけの参加も歓迎です。 雨の場合はキャンセルする可能性があります。
Meet me at Sakuradamon at 3:30pm (near the police box).
This will be an easy jog around the Palace for 2 or 3 loops. If you come late, run clock-wise and find us. :)
After the run, let's go to a vegan café in Higashi Ginza (ain soph http://ain-soph.jp/cafe.html), instead of our usual Chaya Macrobi, for a good vegan carbo loading. Feel free to come just for the meal if you can't make it to the run (or vice versa). :)
If you are planning to come, please let me know by Saturday evening by commenting on this blog or e-mail (vegan.runners@gmail.com). If this is your first time, please e-mail and let me know your cell phone info (number or ketai
e-mail) in case I need to cancel this last minute due to weather. If you have any questions regarding locker/shower facilities around the palace, let me know.
Happy Vegan Running!