Organizer: Junko
集合:4:30pm @ 桜田門の交番の近く。
Meet me at Sakuradamon at 4:30pm (near the police box). This will be an easy jog around the Palace for 2 or 3 loops. If you come late, run clock-wise and find us. :)
After the run, let's go to Chaya Macrobi for a quick vegan bite. Feel free to join us even just for run or meal. :)
In case of rain, I may cancel this run.
If you are planning to come, please let me know by Saturday evening by commenting on this blog or e-mail ( If this is your first time, please e-mail and let me know your cell phone info (number or ketai e-mail) in case I need to cancel this last minute due to weather. If you have any questions regarding locker/shower facilities around the palace, let me know.
Happy Vegan Running!
11/5 (Sat) Vegan Runners team in Ekiden Carnival
Vegan Runnersより1チームが11月5日に多摩川河川敷で行われるEkiden Carnivalに出場します! これは、毎年とても人気で、コスチュームランナーもたくさん出るとてもにぎやかなレースです。
走順予定は: Konnno (10K) --> Akane (5K) --> Junko (3K) --> Allyn (5K)
ビーガンパワーでがんばってきますね。 :) 応援団も歓迎です。
One team from us will run Ekiden Carnival on November 5th. This popular race will be held on the course along the Tama river. It's a fun race with lots of costume runners every year.
The run order (tentative): Konnno (10K) --> Akane (5K) --> Junko (3K) --> Allyn (5K)
We gonna run with Vegan power. :)
Hope you can join us for this race next time.
Happy Vegan Running!
走順予定は: Konnno (10K) --> Akane (5K) --> Junko (3K) --> Allyn (5K)
ビーガンパワーでがんばってきますね。 :) 応援団も歓迎です。
One team from us will run Ekiden Carnival on November 5th. This popular race will be held on the course along the Tama river. It's a fun race with lots of costume runners every year.
The run order (tentative): Konnno (10K) --> Akane (5K) --> Junko (3K) --> Allyn (5K)
We gonna run with Vegan power. :)
Hope you can join us for this race next time.
Happy Vegan Running!
11/3 (holiday) Palace run
Organizer: Junko
集合:11 am @ 桜田門の交番の近く。皇居を軽く2、3周します。反時計回りに走りますので、遅れてしまった場合は、時計回りに走って見つけてください。
雨の場合はキャンセルする可能性があります。参加をする場合は、前日の夜までにメールか、 このブログにコメントを記入して参加する旨をお知らせください。初めての人はメールで、携帯の情報(番号か携帯メール)を教えてください。天候などで急にキャンセルにする場合などにご連絡します。
Meet me at Sakuradamon at 11 am (near the police box). If you come late, run clock-wise and find us. :)
After the run, let's go to Chaya Macrobi for lunch. Feel free to join us even just for run or lunch.
In case of rain, I may cancel this run. If you are planning to come, please let me know by Wednesday evening by commenting on this blog or e-mail. If this is your first time, please e-mail me and let me know your cell phone info (number or ketai e-mail) in case I need to cancel this last minute due to weather.
Happy Vegan Running!
集合:11 am @ 桜田門の交番の近く。皇居を軽く2、3周します。反時計回りに走りますので、遅れてしまった場合は、時計回りに走って見つけてください。
雨の場合はキャンセルする可能性があります。参加をする場合は、前日の夜までにメールか、 このブログにコメントを記入して参加する旨をお知らせください。初めての人はメールで、携帯の情報(番号か携帯メール)を教えてください。天候などで急にキャンセルにする場合などにご連絡します。
Meet me at Sakuradamon at 11 am (near the police box). If you come late, run clock-wise and find us. :)
After the run, let's go to Chaya Macrobi for lunch. Feel free to join us even just for run or lunch.
In case of rain, I may cancel this run. If you are planning to come, please let me know by Wednesday evening by commenting on this blog or e-mail. If this is your first time, please e-mail me and let me know your cell phone info (number or ketai e-mail) in case I need to cancel this last minute due to weather.
Happy Vegan Running!
10/22 (Sat) Palace run -- キャンセル This run is canceled due to rain!
Organizer: Junko
集合:3:30 pm @ 桜田門の交番の近く。皇居を軽く2、3周します。反時計回りに走りますので、遅れてしまった場合は、時計回りに走って見つけてください。
Meet me at Sakuradamon at 3:30 pm (near the police box). If you come late, run clock-wise and find us. :)
After the run, let's go to Chaya Macrobi for dinner. Feel free to join us even just for run or dinner.
In case of rain, I may cancel this run. If you are planning to come, please let me know by Friday evening by commenting on this blog or e-mail. If this is your first time, please e-mail me and let me know your cell phone info (number or ketai e-mail) in case I need to cancel this last minute due to weather.
Happy Vegan Running!
集合:3:30 pm @ 桜田門の交番の近く。皇居を軽く2、3周します。反時計回りに走りますので、遅れてしまった場合は、時計回りに走って見つけてください。
Meet me at Sakuradamon at 3:30 pm (near the police box). If you come late, run clock-wise and find us. :)
After the run, let's go to Chaya Macrobi for dinner. Feel free to join us even just for run or dinner.
In case of rain, I may cancel this run. If you are planning to come, please let me know by Friday evening by commenting on this blog or e-mail. If this is your first time, please e-mail me and let me know your cell phone info (number or ketai e-mail) in case I need to cancel this last minute due to weather.
Happy Vegan Running!
Ekiden members wanted
Vegetarian/Vegan runners wanted!
Japan Vegan Runners Club will run the Ekiden Carnival race on November 5th in Kawasaki (along the Tama river cycling road).
We are currently recuruiting members. If you want to run with us, please let us know ASAP. One team consists of 4 members, relaying 4 legs (10, 5, 3, and 5K for total of 23K). Here's the race site (in Japanese).
Happy Vegan Running!
Vegetarian/Vegan runners wanted!
Japan Vegan Runners Club will run the Ekiden Carnival race on November 5th in Kawasaki (along the Tama river cycling road).
We are currently recuruiting members. If you want to run with us, please let us know ASAP. One team consists of 4 members, relaying 4 legs (10, 5, 3, and 5K for total of 23K). Here's the race site (in Japanese).
Happy Vegan Running!
6/4 (Sat) Palace Run
Organizer: Junko
集合:4pm @ 桜田門の交番の近く。または、アートスポーツ日比谷店でロッカールームを使うので桜田門に行く前にそこで合流してもいいです。私は3時間以上走ってるので、4-7時の間に来て途中合流してもかまいません(逆走してみつけてください)。
最近まで怪我でほとんど走れてなかったので、私自身はゆっくり走ります。時々歩いたりするかもしれませんが、6周(30K )ぐらいするつもりです。かまわずご自分のペースで好きなだけ走ってくださいね。ランの後は、私自身はアートスポーツでシャワーを使って、チャヤマクロビで食事をしますので、ぜひよかったらどうぞ。食事だけの参加、ランだけの参加も歓迎です。
Meet me at Sakuradamon at 4pm (near the police box), or before Sakuradamon, you can catch me at ArtSports Hibiya where I use a locker room. Let me know where you want to meet me. I will be running more than 3 hours, so you can come any time between 4 and 7 and find me by running clock-wise.
I'm just coming back to running from the long-time injury, so I will run very slowly and probably walk sometimes. But I'm planning to do at least 6 loops (30K) that day. Feel free to run at your own pace and as much as you want. After the run, I will take a shower at ArtSports and go to Chaya Macrobi for dinner. Hope you can join me for the both of run and dinner but you are welcome by no means even if you are coming for run/dinner only.
In case of rain, I may cancel this run. If you are planning to come, please let me know by Friday evening. I need your cell phone info (number or e-mail) in case I need to cancel last minute due to weather.
Happy Vegan Running!
集合:4pm @ 桜田門の交番の近く。または、アートスポーツ日比谷店でロッカールームを使うので桜田門に行く前にそこで合流してもいいです。私は3時間以上走ってるので、4-7時の間に来て途中合流してもかまいません(逆走してみつけてください)。
最近まで怪我でほとんど走れてなかったので、私自身はゆっくり走ります。時々歩いたりするかもしれませんが、6周(30K )ぐらいするつもりです。かまわずご自分のペースで好きなだけ走ってくださいね。ランの後は、私自身はアートスポーツでシャワーを使って、チャヤマクロビで食事をしますので、ぜひよかったらどうぞ。食事だけの参加、ランだけの参加も歓迎です。
Meet me at Sakuradamon at 4pm (near the police box), or before Sakuradamon, you can catch me at ArtSports Hibiya where I use a locker room. Let me know where you want to meet me. I will be running more than 3 hours, so you can come any time between 4 and 7 and find me by running clock-wise.
I'm just coming back to running from the long-time injury, so I will run very slowly and probably walk sometimes. But I'm planning to do at least 6 loops (30K) that day. Feel free to run at your own pace and as much as you want. After the run, I will take a shower at ArtSports and go to Chaya Macrobi for dinner. Hope you can join me for the both of run and dinner but you are welcome by no means even if you are coming for run/dinner only.
In case of rain, I may cancel this run. If you are planning to come, please let me know by Friday evening. I need your cell phone info (number or e-mail) in case I need to cancel last minute due to weather.
Happy Vegan Running!
5/28 (Sat) Palace Run
Organizer: Junko
!This run is canceled due to rain. 雨がたくさん降るそうなのでこのランはキャンセルします。!
集合:4pm @ 桜田門の交番の近く。またはアートスポーツ日比谷店でロッカールームを使うので桜田門に行く前にそこで合流してもいいです。私は2時間以上走ってるので、4-6時の間に来て途中合流してもかまいません(逆走してみつけてください)。
Meet me at Sakuradamon at 4pm (near the police box), or before Sakuradamon,you can catch me at ArtSports Hibiya where I use a locker room. Let me know where you want to meet me. I will be running more than 2 hours, so you can also come some time between 4 and 6 and join me, finding me by running clock-wise.
I'm just coming back to running from the long-time injury, so I will run very slowly and probably walk sometimes. But I will do at least 4 loops (20K). Feel free to run at your own pace and as much as you want. After the run, I will take a shower at ArtSports and go to Chaya Macrobi for dinner. Hope you can join me for the both running and dinner, but welcome by no means if only either one! :)
In case of rain, I may cancel this run. Now there is 70% chance of rain for Saturday. If you are planning to come, please let me know by Friday evening. I need your cell phone info (number or e-mail) in case I need to cancel last minute due to weather.
Happy Vegan Running!
!This run is canceled due to rain. 雨がたくさん降るそうなのでこのランはキャンセルします。!
集合:4pm @ 桜田門の交番の近く。またはアートスポーツ日比谷店でロッカールームを使うので桜田門に行く前にそこで合流してもいいです。私は2時間以上走ってるので、4-6時の間に来て途中合流してもかまいません(逆走してみつけてください)。
Meet me at Sakuradamon at 4pm (near the police box), or before Sakuradamon,you can catch me at ArtSports Hibiya where I use a locker room. Let me know where you want to meet me. I will be running more than 2 hours, so you can also come some time between 4 and 6 and join me, finding me by running clock-wise.
I'm just coming back to running from the long-time injury, so I will run very slowly and probably walk sometimes. But I will do at least 4 loops (20K). Feel free to run at your own pace and as much as you want. After the run, I will take a shower at ArtSports and go to Chaya Macrobi for dinner. Hope you can join me for the both running and dinner, but welcome by no means if only either one! :)
In case of rain, I may cancel this run. Now there is 70% chance of rain for Saturday. If you are planning to come, please let me know by Friday evening. I need your cell phone info (number or e-mail) in case I need to cancel last minute due to weather.
Happy Vegan Running!
4/30(Sat) Mt.Takao Trail Running
Special Organize: Takamitsu Konno
4月30日(土)高尾山トレラン 午前10時30分京王線高尾山口駅集合
* 水は高尾山頂に水道水があり、城山、景信山、陣馬山頂で販売しています。
* 高尾山頂と陣馬山頂ではそばやうどんの販売がありますので、植物性のそばつゆを持参すればビーガンの方も食べることができます。
* 高尾山口駅にコインロッカーがありますが空いていない可能性があります。必要に応じて高尾駅のコインロッカーを使うなどお願い致します。
Time and place: on 4/30(Sat) am10:30 Takao-Sanguchi (Keio Line) Station.
(If you get on semi exp. for Kitano at Shinjuku 9:30, and change at once Kitano, you'll arrive at Takao-Sanguchi 10:24)
Takao-Sanguchi station → Mt.Takao → Mt.Shiro → Mt.Kagenobu → Mt.Jimba
One way 15km, return 30km.
We'll run quite slow, not run fast.You need to food and water.
* waterworks reach Mt.Takao, and we can buy a bottle of mineral water at Mt.Shiro, Kagenobu, Jimba.
* we can eat Soba and Udon at Mt.Takao and Jimba, if you carry soy sauce from plants.
* There are coin lockers at Takao-Sanguchi station, but it might be possible to be full, so It'd be better to use ones at Takao station.
Organizer will run 30km, if you can't run any more, you can go down to Jimba-Kogen Shita bus stop or Kobotoke bus stop.
This event will be canceled in case of rain.
If you are coming, comment on this blog by noon on 29th or e-mail(
4月30日(土)高尾山トレラン 午前10時30分京王線高尾山口駅集合
* 水は高尾山頂に水道水があり、城山、景信山、陣馬山頂で販売しています。
* 高尾山頂と陣馬山頂ではそばやうどんの販売がありますので、植物性のそばつゆを持参すればビーガンの方も食べることができます。
* 高尾山口駅にコインロッカーがありますが空いていない可能性があります。必要に応じて高尾駅のコインロッカーを使うなどお願い致します。
Time and place: on 4/30(Sat) am10:30 Takao-Sanguchi (Keio Line) Station.
(If you get on semi exp. for Kitano at Shinjuku 9:30, and change at once Kitano, you'll arrive at Takao-Sanguchi 10:24)
Takao-Sanguchi station → Mt.Takao → Mt.Shiro → Mt.Kagenobu → Mt.Jimba
One way 15km, return 30km.
We'll run quite slow, not run fast.You need to food and water.
* waterworks reach Mt.Takao, and we can buy a bottle of mineral water at Mt.Shiro, Kagenobu, Jimba.
* we can eat Soba and Udon at Mt.Takao and Jimba, if you carry soy sauce from plants.
* There are coin lockers at Takao-Sanguchi station, but it might be possible to be full, so It'd be better to use ones at Takao station.
Organizer will run 30km, if you can't run any more, you can go down to Jimba-Kogen Shita bus stop or Kobotoke bus stop.
This event will be canceled in case of rain.
If you are coming, comment on this blog by noon on 29th or e-mail(
4/9/2011 (Saturday) Palace 'Charity' Run
Organized by Masa
集合時間と場所:午後3時 @ 皇居の桜田門と、その近くの交番の間あたり
Time & Place : 3 pm @ somewhere between the Sakuradamon gate and the nearby police sub-station
I think that I'm not the only one wanting to do something about the multiple disasters that hit Northern Japan. I went on to think that probably it would be good if we do something together, hence, announcing this event.
We'll meet there, do some stretching and run around the Imperial Palace as usual. After that, we'll go to a cafe/restaurant called Chaya Macrobiotics in Hibiya Chanter.
There is a donation box for the affected people by the tragedy in Hibiya Chanter. The money in the box will be used to help them through the Red Cross. If you are up for it, we'll donate what we can on our way to the cafe. I understand that some of you may have already made a donation or two, or taken some action. If so, please just join the run!
This run might be postponed if it rains, say, medium rain. If you want to participate, let me know by email or drop a comment on the posting of the blog. If this is your first time to join any of our events, send an email to this e-mail address. I'll send you my contact info back. Also, we'll add your email address to our mailing list to keep you updated on our runs in the future. Looking forward to seeing you!
集合時間と場所:午後3時 @ 皇居の桜田門と、その近くの交番の間あたり
Time & Place : 3 pm @ somewhere between the Sakuradamon gate and the nearby police sub-station
I think that I'm not the only one wanting to do something about the multiple disasters that hit Northern Japan. I went on to think that probably it would be good if we do something together, hence, announcing this event.
We'll meet there, do some stretching and run around the Imperial Palace as usual. After that, we'll go to a cafe/restaurant called Chaya Macrobiotics in Hibiya Chanter.
There is a donation box for the affected people by the tragedy in Hibiya Chanter. The money in the box will be used to help them through the Red Cross. If you are up for it, we'll donate what we can on our way to the cafe. I understand that some of you may have already made a donation or two, or taken some action. If so, please just join the run!
This run might be postponed if it rains, say, medium rain. If you want to participate, let me know by email or drop a comment on the posting of the blog. If this is your first time to join any of our events, send an email to this e-mail address. I'll send you my contact info back. Also, we'll add your email address to our mailing list to keep you updated on our runs in the future. Looking forward to seeing you!
2/20 (Sun) Yoyogi Park Run
Organizer: Junko
10 amスタート @ ケヤキ並木(NHKホール近く)のコインロッカーの前集合
10時に開始して2時間ぐらいゆっくりジョグします。私は9時か9時半ぐらいから走ってる予定ですので、早く開始したい人もウェルカムです。ランの後はVegan Healing Cafeあたりで軽くランチをします。参加希望の人は前日の18時までにメールで連絡かこの投稿にコメント入れてください。初参加の人はVegan Runnersのメールアドレスにご連絡ください。大雨の場合は中止になります。
starting: 10 am @ in front of the coin locker near NHK Hall. (map)
We will have an easy jog for about 2 hours from 10am. I will start from 9 or 9:30, so if you want to join me earlier than 10 welcome. After the run, we'll go to Vegan Healing Cafe for a quick vegan bite. If you want to join this run, e-mail me or comment on this post before 6pm on this Saturday. If you are a first-timer, please e-mail me at our vegan runners e-mail address.
In case of heavy rain, this event will be canceled.
Happy Vegan Running!
10 amスタート @ ケヤキ並木(NHKホール近く)のコインロッカーの前集合
10時に開始して2時間ぐらいゆっくりジョグします。私は9時か9時半ぐらいから走ってる予定ですので、早く開始したい人もウェルカムです。ランの後はVegan Healing Cafeあたりで軽くランチをします。参加希望の人は前日の18時までにメールで連絡かこの投稿にコメント入れてください。初参加の人はVegan Runnersのメールアドレスにご連絡ください。大雨の場合は中止になります。
starting: 10 am @ in front of the coin locker near NHK Hall. (map)
We will have an easy jog for about 2 hours from 10am. I will start from 9 or 9:30, so if you want to join me earlier than 10 welcome. After the run, we'll go to Vegan Healing Cafe for a quick vegan bite. If you want to join this run, e-mail me or comment on this post before 6pm on this Saturday. If you are a first-timer, please e-mail me at our vegan runners e-mail address.
In case of heavy rain, this event will be canceled.
Happy Vegan Running!
2/12 (Sat) Palace Run
Organizer: Junko
集合: 5pm @ 桜田門近くの交番の前
5pm @ near the Koban (police box) at Sakuradamon
We will satrt running at 5pm so please come to Sakuradamon in your running gear. This will be an easy jog for some loops or of course feel free to run more if you want. After the run, we'll go to Chaya Macrobi in Hibiya or Kushi Garden in Takebashi, or somewhere else, for a quick vegan bite.
This event will be canceled in case of heavy rain. If you are attending, please let me know by e-mail or commenting on this post. If you are the first timer, please e-mail to our club e-mail address.
Happy Vegan Running!
集合: 5pm @ 桜田門近くの交番の前
5pm @ near the Koban (police box) at Sakuradamon
We will satrt running at 5pm so please come to Sakuradamon in your running gear. This will be an easy jog for some loops or of course feel free to run more if you want. After the run, we'll go to Chaya Macrobi in Hibiya or Kushi Garden in Takebashi, or somewhere else, for a quick vegan bite.
This event will be canceled in case of heavy rain. If you are attending, please let me know by e-mail or commenting on this post. If you are the first timer, please e-mail to our club e-mail address.
Happy Vegan Running!
What's your race schedule this year?
Tell us about your race schedule this year.
I wish everyone a fruitful race season. Show your vegan athlete spirit in races throughout Japan and around the world!
Tell us about your race schedule this year.
I wish everyone a fruitful race season. Show your vegan athlete spirit in races throughout Japan and around the world!
1/29 (Sat) Palace Run -- !! CANCELED !!
Sorry guys, this event is canceled!! Run with you next month!
Organizer: Masa
3:00 pm @桜田門近くの交番付近集合
大雨の場合は中止。参加希望の場合は前日の18時までにブログにコメントかメールでお知らせください。 (Masaさんのメアドを知らない人はこちらにメールしてください
3:00 pm @ near the Koban (small sub police station) at Sakuradamon
We'll do stretching exercises and start running. Please come to the above place in your running gear.
If you don't know where coin lockers are, where you can take a shower, and have any other questions, feel free to ask me.
In case of heavy rain, this will be canceled. If you are going to join, leave a comment on the blog or e-mail me by 6pm on Jan. 28, 2011. (If you don't know Masa's e-mail address, use this one:
Sorry guys, this event is canceled!! Run with you next month!
Organizer: Masa
3:00 pm @桜田門近くの交番付近集合
大雨の場合は中止。参加希望の場合は前日の18時までにブログにコメントかメールでお知らせください。 (Masaさんのメアドを知らない人はこちらにメールしてください
3:00 pm @ near the Koban (small sub police station) at Sakuradamon
We'll do stretching exercises and start running. Please come to the above place in your running gear.
If you don't know where coin lockers are, where you can take a shower, and have any other questions, feel free to ask me.
In case of heavy rain, this will be canceled. If you are going to join, leave a comment on the blog or e-mail me by 6pm on Jan. 28, 2011. (If you don't know Masa's e-mail address, use this one:
投稿 (Atom)