12/26 (Sat) Tamagawa Josui LSD
Tamagawa Josui 30K LSD
3pm 吉祥寺駅東口に集合(注: 三鷹駅ではなく)
ランの後は吉祥寺のDevaDeva Cafeで7時半ごろから食事。その後、荻窪にボーリングしに行きます! 食事and/orボウリングのみの参加でもOKです。
Meet 3pm, Kichijoji station (East exit)
We run from Kichijoji Park in the direction of Mitaka & Kodaira, on Tamagawa Josui. Please carry your drink or bring some money to buy a drink and for an emergency. In case of heavy rain, this event will be canceled.
After the run, we'll dine at DevaDeva Cafe and, after the dinner, go to Ogikubo for bowling games. You can join just for the dinner and/or the bowling.
Let me know if you are coming by 6pm on Friday the 25th.
12/12 (Sat) Yoyogi Park Run
Organizer: Junko
集合 3pm、代々木公園NHKホール近くのコインロッカーの前で集合
Time: 3pm
we meet in front of the coin locker near the NHK Hall and run for about 2 hours in the park.
In case of heavy rain, this event will be canceled. Pls RSVP by commenting on this blog or email, by 6:00pm of the previous day.
Tell us your race schedule this season.
1/31/2010 Shinjuku City Half (Tokyo) 目標1h45m
3/7/2010 Sunpu Half Marathon (Shizuoka) 目標1h40m
4/10/2010 Toda Marathon (Saitama) 目標3h40m
2/28/2010 Tokyo Marathon
1/10/2010 Mari-Tanigawa Charity Marathon(half,disguised,target:2h00m)
3/6/2010 Konosu Pansy Marathon(half,target:1h50m)
6/27/2010 Tsumagoi Cabbage Marathon(Probably the hardest half-marathon in Japan,target:2h10m)
Jan. 31st 2010: Katsuta Full Marathon
Feb. 21st 2010: Ohme Marathon 30K
Mar. 28th 2010: Sakura-city Full Marathon
May 16th 2010: Nobeyama Ultramarathon 100K
12/6 Sunday Morning Palace Run
日時: 12月6日(日) 午前9時~11時
集合場所:桜田門駅 出口3
2-Hour LSD
Date: Sunday, 6th December
Time: 900 am - 1100 am
Where to meet: Sakuradamon-station Exit 3
Please come to the meeting point above by 9 am in a running outfit. We' ll run around the Palace at a jogging pace (6 to 7 m/K) between 9 and 11. You may adjust the pace and distance according to your physical condition.
Use a coin-operated locker at Hibiya or Hanzo-mon stations or Runners Station (Art Sports, Runners Station Jimbo-cho or Koji-machi) to leave your belongings. (Attn: there is no coin-locker at Sakuradamon and Takebashi station).
Race Report Ageo City (Half) Marahon (Saitama) 2009/11/15
本日(11月15日)上尾シティマラソンを完走しました! 前日は週5日の仕事の疲れがたまり、風邪気味でしたが、何とかハーフは走れるだろうという状況に持って行きました。 この状況の中で1時間57分37秒で走り、これは自信になりました(しかも相当後ろからスタートしたので、時間的には2分以上のロスがありました)。 今度は良い状況に体調を持って行き出走したいです。
On 11/15(sun), I ran Ageo City Marathon. The day before I was really tired because of the 5-day working and had a cold, but I managed to recover and ran at the time of 1:57:37 (It took more than 2 minutes to cross the start line). So I got confidence of steady running. Next time I'd like to get a better condition to run.
Ekiden Carnival (2009/11/07)
3チームで駅伝カーニバル ロングの部を完走して、無事にタスキをつなぎました!
more photos on our album...
What's New
(2009/11/07) ビーガンランナーズ3チームで駅伝を走りました。
(2009/07/16) JVRCがveganrunners.orgに登録されました。
(2009/11/07) 3 teams of JVRC ran an Ekiden race in Tachikawa.
(2009/07/16) JVRC listed on veganrunners.org!
Race Reports by Konno (2010/o5)
Tokyo Marathon by Allyn (2010/02/28)
Ageo City Marathon (Half) by Konno (2009/11/15)
Maui Marathon by Midori (2009/09/20)
Tsumagoi Cabbage Marathon by Konno (2009/06/28)
Vegan Runners Japan ではヤフーのメーリングリストで練習会のお知らせなどを登録者の方にお送りしています。また、登録者同士で情報交換をする場にもなっています。メールの量は多くはありません。登録を希望する場合はメールでお知らせ下さい。vegan.runners (a) gmail.com
We use Yahoo Japan's group e-mail list to send the listed members our group run info., etc. Also, members can communicate each other through the list about anything related to running. If you want to sign up for this e-mail list, please let us know by e-mail. vegan.runners (a) gmail.com
Meet fellow vegan and vegetarian runners in Japan. All levels of runners are welcome from fun-runners to serious ultra-marathoners, Ekiden enthusiasts, and triathletes! Combining your vegan diet and running, you can be more energetic! Even if you are a non-vegan/vegetarian runner, please feel free to join us and try out the vegan-style running. Contact us!(vegan.runners (a) gmail.com)
参加したい練習会があったら、その投稿記事へのコメントまたはe-mailで前日までに参加することを意思表示してください。初めての方はe-mailでお知らせください。おって集合のことや連絡先など詳細をお伝えします。参加費や会費などは一切なし、自分の身体とシューズだけ持ってきてくださいね。vegan.runners (a) gmail.com
When you want to join our run, please let us know by commenting for the specific entry on this site or sending us an e-mail by the day before the run. If it's your first time with us, please contact us by e-mail (vegan.runners (a) gmail.com) so we could give you more information like the organizer's contact information, where to leave your bag, etc. There is no fees. Running with us is of course free. Just bring your shoes!!
11/27 (Fri) Friday Night Palace Run
集合 7pm 皇居桜田門(交番の近く) 走れる状態で来て下さい。
荷物は駅ロッカー (300円、日比谷駅など)に預けるかアートスポーツ日比谷店(500円でロッカー・ シャワーが使えます)を利用してください。(駅ロッカーを使う場合は桜田門や竹橋 はロッカーがないので気をつけて。日比谷が一番便利です。)
We start from Sakuradamon (near police box) at 7pm
This event will be canceled in case of heavy rain.
Pls RSVP by commenting on this blog or email, by the noon time of 11/27. Please come to the meeting place ready to run. If you have a bag or need to change, using a station locker (300yen) or ArtSports Hibiya's shower room (500yen) is recommended. (There are no coin lockers in Sakuradamon and Takebashi stations, so Hibiya station is recommended.)
11/15 (Sun) Yoyogi Park Morning Run
Organizer: Junko
集合 9am、代々木公園NHKホール近くのコインロッカーの前で集合
Time: 9am
we meet in front of the coin locker near the NHK Hall and run for 1 - 1.5H in the park.
In case of heavy rain, this event will be canceled. Pls RSVP by commenting on this blog or email, by 6:00pm of the previous day.
Maui Marathon Race Report (Sep. 20, 2009)
11/7 (Sat) Ekiden Carnival
3 teams of Vegan Runners will participate the Ekiden Carnival Race held in Showa Kinen Park in Tachikawa. Pls come see us running the race. We will eat obento in the park after the race.
11/3 (holiday) Yoyogi Park Run
November is World Vegan Awareness Month!
当初ピクニックを予定していましたが、当日は寒くなりそうですのでピクニックをキャンセルします。ランの後はVegan Healing Cafeあたりでランチかお茶をしましょう。
時間 11am- ランニング、1pm- ランチ
集合場所 原宿口から入ってまっすぐ200メートルほど進み、白いゲートの手前左側で集合 (地図)
Now the picnic originally scheduled for this day is canceled since it will be very cold according to the forecast. We'll have a lunch or a tea in Shibuya, instead.
Time: 11am- Run in Yoyogi Park, 1pm- Lunch in Shibuya (probably at Vegan Healing Cafe)
In case of heavy rain, this event will be canceled. If you are attending this run, pls let me know by 6pm on Nov. 2nd.
We will gather for the running here (map) in the park. Enter from the Harajuku gate, walk about 200 meters. We will be on the left side of the grass just before the white gate.
If you need to use a locker for your valuables, the closest coin locker is near the NHK hall. Otherwise, you can find one in JR Harajuku staion, or Metro (Meijijingu or Yoyogi Koen).
10/31 (Sat) Palace Run 10K Time Trial
10月31日(土) 3PM 桜田門(交番の近く)集合(走れる状態で来て下さい)
荷物は駅ロッカー (300円、日比谷駅など)に預けるかアートスポーツ日比谷店(500円でロッカー・ シャワーが使えます)を利用してください。(駅ロッカーを使う場合は桜田門や竹橋 はロッカーがないので気をつけて。日比谷が一番便利です。)
We start from Sakuradamon (near police box) at 3pm
This event will be canceled in case of heavy rain.
Pls RSVP by commenting on this blog or email, by 10:00pm on October 30.
Please come to the meeting place ready to run. If you have a bag or need to change, using a station locker (300yen) or ArtSports Hibiya's shower room (500yen) is recommended. (There are no coin lockers in Sakuradamon and Takebashi stations, so Hibiya station is recommended.)
10/25 (Sun) Tamagawa Josui LSD
10月25日(日)午前9時~ JR三鷹駅北口三井住友銀行前集合
When: Sunday, October 25, 9am
Where:JR Mitaka Station, North Exit (in front of Mistui Sumitomo Bank)
Tamagawa Josui LSD (30K)
This event will be canceled in case of heavy rain. Pls RSVP by commenting on our blog or email, by a day prior.
We'll run the Tanagawa Josui trail in the Tokyo suberb along which a small old canal flows. Round trip from JR Mitaka Station, Koganei Park, Kodaira-city, Takanodai Station (Seibu Line) to Tamagawa-Josui Station (Tama-toshi Monorail).
Appro. 30K
Please note the following:
Carry water or some drinks for hydration and some change for bus fare in case you need to turn back halfway.
Use a station locker to leave your belongings, and come to the meeting point mentioned above in a running outfit.
10/10 (Sat) Yoyogi Park LSD
Oct 10 (Sat) Yoyogi Park @10AM.
90min - 120min run at your own pace.
We'll meet at the white arch near the entrance of Harajuku gate. Please come ready to run.
This event will be cancelled in case of heavy rain.
Pls RSVP by commenting on this blog or email, by 9:00pm on October 9.If you have a bag you can use a locker at train stations or at Keyaki Namiki area.
9/25 (Fri) Palace Run
9月25日(金) 7PM 桜田門(交番の近く)集合(走れる状態で来て下さい)
荷物は駅ロッカー (300円、日比谷駅など)に預けるかアートスポーツ日比谷店(500円でロッカー・ シャワーが使えます)を利用してください。(駅ロッカーを使う場合は桜田門や竹橋 はロッカーがないので気をつけて。日比谷が一番便利です。)
We start from Sakuradamon (near police box) at 7pm
This event will be canceled in case of heavy rain.
Pls RSVP by commenting on this blog or email, by 10:00pm on September 24.
This will be an easy jog around the palace. All levels of runners are welcome. Please come to the meeting place ready to run. If you have a bag or need to change, using a station locker (300yen) or ArtSports Hibiya's shower room (500yen) is recommended. (There are no coin lockers in Sakuradamon and Takebashi stations, so Hibiya station is recommended.)
9/19 (Sat) Palace Run, 15K Build-up Run
9月19日(土) 3PM 桜田門(交番の近く)集合(走れる状態で来て下さい)
荷物は駅ロッカー (300円、日比谷駅など)に預けるかアートスポーツ日比谷店(500円でロッカー・ シャワーが使えます)を利用してください。(駅ロッカーを使う場合は桜田門や竹橋 はロッカーがないので気をつけて。日比谷が一番便利です。)
We start from Sakuradamon (near police box) at 3pm
This event will be canceled in case of heavy rain.
Pls RSVP by commenting on this blog or email, by 10:00pm on September 18.
We'll run 3 loops (15K, 30-27-25 min pace) by build-up or if you want, at your own pace. All levels of runners are welcome. Please come to the meeting place ready to run. If you have a bag or need to change, using a station locker (300yen) or ArtSports Hibiya's shower room (500yen) is recommended. (There are no coin lockers in Sakuradamon and Takebashi stations, so Hibiya station is recommended.)
9/13 LSD (Tamagawa Josui)
日時:9月13日(日) 午後4時
集合: JR三鷹駅北口 三井住友銀行前
When: Sunday, September 13th 4:ooPM
Where:JR Mitaka Station, North Exit (in front of Mistui Sumitomo Bank)
This event will be canceled in case of heavy rain. Pls RSVP by commenting on our blog or email, by a day prior.
We'll run the Tanagawa Josui trail in the Tokyo suberb along which a small old canal flows.
Round trip from JR Mitaka Station, Koganei Park, Kodaira-city to Takanodai Station (Seibu Line). Appro. 20K
Please carry some change for bus fare in case you need to turn back halfway.
(Local bus is operated between JR Mitaka Station and Musashi-Koganei Station.)
Please use a station locker to leave your belongings.
9/3 (Thu) Palace Run
9月3日(木)7:00PM 集合: 桜田門
参加希望の方は前日10:00PMまでにこのブログにコメントで参加表明か、メールでお 知らせください。
荷物は駅ロッカー (300円、日比谷駅など)に預けるかアートスポーツ日比谷店(500円でロッカー・ シャワーが使えます)を利用してください。(駅ロッカーを使う場合は桜田門や竹橋 はロッカーがないので気をつけて。日比谷が一番便利です。)
Where/When: Sakuradamon (near police box) at 7pm on September 3
This event will be canceled in case of heavy rain.
Pls RSVP by commenting on this blog or email, by 10:00pm on September 2.
We'll run a palace loop or two depending on the level of participants. All levels of runners are welcome. Please come to the meeting place ready to run. Using a station locker (300yen) or ArtSports Hibiya's shower room (500yen) is recommended. (There are no coin lockers in Sakuradamon and Takebashi stations, so Hibiya station is recommended.)
Photos from Mt. Takao Trail Running on 8/22/2009
Vegan Runners ran Takao Mountain. The more photos on our album http://picasaweb.google.co.jp/vegan.runners/MtTakaoTrailRunning20090822#
The trail was very nice and it was fun! After the run, we went to eat to Chien Fu in Tachikawa, Chinese vegetarian restaurant. Yum!
8/30 (Sun) LSD Tamagawa Josui
日時:8月30日(日) 午前9時
集合: JR三鷹駅北口 三井住友銀行前
When: Sunday, August 30th 9:00AM
Where:JR Mitaka Station, North Exit (in front of Mistui Sumitomo Bank)
This event will be canceled in case of heavy rain. Pls RSVP by commenting on our blog or email, by a day prior.
We'll run the Tanagawa Josui trail in the Tokyo suberb along which a small old canal flows.
Round trip from JR Mitaka Station, Koganei Park, Kodaira-city to Takanodai Station (Seibu Line). Appro. 20K
Please carry some change for bus fare in case you need to turn back halfway. (Local bus is operated between JR Mitaka Station and Musashi-Koganei Station.)
Please use a station locker to leave your belongings.
8/22 (Sat) Mt. Takao Trail Running
集合: 高尾山口駅 4時pm (駅にコインロッカーあります)
Where/When: Takaosan Guchi Station at 4pm (there is a staion locker).
This event will be canceled in case of heavy rain.
Pls RSVP by commenting on this blog or email, by 8/20 (Thu).
We'll start running around 4 and come back to the town around 6pm. It will be about 6-7K for the round trip. After the running, let's go to the Chinese Vegetarian Restaurant in Tachikawa (Chien Fu, http://www.nakaichifu.jp/tachikawa.html)
If you don't feel comfortable climbing up, you can start it before 4pm and join us on the top so that you can take your time.
8/8 (Sat) Palace Run -- Time Trial
集合: 桜田門(交番の近く) 5:30 pmに走れる状態で来て下さい。
Where/When: Sakuradamon (near police box) at 5:30 pm, pls come ready to run.
This event will be canceled in case of heavy rain.
Pls RSVP by commenting on this blog or email, by a day prior.
We'll jog first a little bit, and then 10K time trial. If you want to run slow please feel free to go at your pace. Using a station locker (300yen) or ArtSports Hibiya's shower room (500yen) is recommended. We will dine at ChayaMacrobi or some other vege place after the run. (There are no coin lockers in Sakuradamon and Takebashi stations, so Hibiya station is recommended.)
LSD (2009/07/18, Palace, Odaiba, Bay Bridge, etc)


JVRC listed on VeganRunners.org
Now we are listed on http://www.veganrunners.org/
This is really cool! You can see vegan runners groups all over the world on this list.
Vegan Fitness is an international forum for different sports of which Vegan Runners is one section. (http://www.veganfitness.net/)
Race Report
Hello,T.KONNO writing...Today(June 28th)I joined Tsumagoi Cabbage Marathon(half-section)and thetime was 2:24:15. The half-marathon race seems the hardest in Japan because runners must goaround Tsumagoi Heights,the air is thin. Moreover,the course is coutinuous upward and downward. But we can enjoy beautiful scenery of Tsumagoi Heights,so I recommend youto join the race of next year. HP address:http://www.tsumagoi-kankou.jp/marason/marason.html
Your Races & Recommended Races for the next season
Tell us which races you are planning to run next season. Also, if there is a good race that you can recommend, maybe we could make it JVRC's recommended race and some of us can run it together.
7/26 (Sun) Palace Run (organized by Midori)
Where/When: Sakuradamon (near police box) at 5pm.
Easy jog around the palace.
This event will be canceled in case of heavy rain.
Pls RSVP by commenting on this blog by 1pm on the day of the event. All levels of runners are welcome. Please come to the meeting place ready to run. Using a station locker (300yen) or ArtSports Hibiya's shower room (500yen) is recommended. There are no coin lockers in Sakuradamon and Takebashi stations, so Hibiya station is recommended.
7/20 (Holiday) Kamakura Sunset Beach Run (organized by Junko)
We will run along Yuigahama Beach, from Hase through Inamuragasaki and Sichirigahama.
5:30pm, we'll meet in front of the coin lockers of Hase Station (Enoshima Line, 3rd stop from Kamakura Station)
BTW, I will organize another event this day called Kamakura Veg Tour from Kitakamakura. We will have a vegan lunch at Sasanoha Restaurant, and then walk through Kamakura to Yuigahama, while stopping at some popular spots like Kamakura's farmers market, etc. If you wanna join this tour, let me know by July 14th (tue) by e-mail.
7/18 (Sat) LSD (organized by Miho)
Where/When: Sakuradamon Station Exit No.3 at 3pm
This event will be canceled in case of heavy rain.
Pls RSVP by commenting on our blog or email, by a day prior.
We'll run the latter part of Tokyo Marathon course.
The Palace, Ginza, Tsukiji, Odaiba, Rainbow Bridge, Tamachi, Hibiya、Palace: appro. 20K
Please carry some change for train fare in case you need to turn back halfway.Please come to the meeting place ready to run. Using a station locker (300yen) or ArtSports Hibiya's shower room (500yen) is recommended. (There are no coin lockers in Sakuradamon and Takebashi stations, so Hibiya station is recommended.)
7/4 (Sat) Time Trial (organized by Junko)
Where/When: Sakuradamon (near police box) at 5pm
This event will be canceled in case of heavy rain.
Pls RSVP by commenting on this blog or email, by a day prior.
We'll jog one loop, and then 5K time trial for the second loop. If you want to run slow please feel free to go at your pace. Please come to the meeting place ready to run. Using a station locker (300yen) or ArtSports Hibiya's shower room (500yen) is recommended. We will dine at ChayaMacrobi vegetarian restaurant after the run. (There are no coin lockers in Sakuradamon and Takebashi stations, so Hibiya station is recommended.)
Useful Information for Vegan Runners
I gathered some information I though might be useful for vegan runners. Please add anything you think useful. ビーガンランナーのための便利な情報。追加情報も随時募集。
Jogging Simulator > http://42.195km.net/jogsim/
Online forum for athletic vegans > http://www.veganfitness.net/
>>> Locker/shower near Palace (皇居近くのロッカー/シャワー)
* Art Sports Hibiya (near Hibiya, Ginza, Yuraku-cho stations)1-2-10 Yuraku-cho, Chiyoda-ku, phone: 03-3506-8460 (500yen for locker/shower)
* Runners Station (near Jimbocho and Kudanshita stations)3-11-1 Jimbocho, Chiyoda-ku, phone: 03-3264-0089http://www.runsta.jp/
* Hightech Town (Jimbocho and Suidobashi stations)1-58 Jimbocho, Kanda, Chiyodaku, phone: 03-5283-2415http://www.hi-sports.com/newclub.htm
(and there are coin lockers in subway and JR stations. But there are none at Takebashi, Sakuradamon stations.)
>>> Sento (public bath) near the Palace (銭湯)>>>
* Inari-yu (Kanda, near Otemachi, Marunouchi, Kanda stations)1-7-3 Uchi-Kanda, Chiyoda-ku, phone: 03-3294-0670, 14:50-24:30 (22:30 on holidays), closed on Sun
* Bain Douche (near Hanzomon-st)1-5-4 Koujimachi, Chiyoda-ku, phone: 03-3263-4944, 15:00-24:00, closed on Sun/Holidays
>>> Marathon races in Japan >>>
* Tokyo Marathon http://www.tokyo42195.org/index_en.html
* Fuji Tozan Marathon http://www.city.fujiyoshida.yamanashi.jp/div/english/html/race.html
* Saroma-ko Marathon http://www.runnet.co.jp/info/a/2007/saroma/
* Naha Marathon http://www.naha-marathon.jp/en/index.html
* Okinawa Marathon http://www.okinawa-marathon.com/eng/index.html
* Tsukuba Marathon http://www.tsukuba-marathon.com/ (japanese site)
* Arakawa Marathon http://www.city.itabashi.tokyo.jp/taiiku/marathon-index.htm (japanese site)
* Kawaguchi-ko Marathon http://www.sports-info.co.jp/kawaguchi/
* Shonan Kokusai Marathon http://www.shonan-kokusai.jp/archives/english/
and of course many many more...you can register most races in Japan through the following sites. 大会検索や参加申込ができるサイト http://runnet.jp/ or http://www.sportsentry.ne.jp/
>>> Great Vegan Runners 偉大なビーガンランナーたち>>>
Tim Van Orden's Running Raw Project
Brendan Brazier's website (Vegan Triathlete, author of the "Thrive Diet" http://www.brendanbrazier.com/index.html
Carl Lewis talking about veganism>http://www.earthsave.org/lifestyle/carllewis.htm
Scott Jurek's website (Vegan Ultra Marathoner) >http://www.scottjurek.com/
Podcast Interview with Ultra Marathoner, Scott Jurek, his vegan diet and trainingshttp://www.thefinalsprint.com/2007/04/podcast-34-interview-with-ultramarathoner-scott-jurek/
Ekiden Team Members Wanted
11月7日(土)に行われる駅伝カーニバルにチームビーガンが2、3チームで出走します。場所は立川の昭和記念公園で23Kを4区間(10, 5, 3, 5)で走る楽しいイベントです。参加したい人は連絡してください。ランニング初心者も歓迎です。
We will run the Ekiden Carnival on November 7th (Sat) in Showa Kinen Park in Tachikawa. We will have 2 or 3 teams. There are 4 legs (10, 5, 3, 5K) for the total of 23K. This is a fun event so we are looking froward to your entry. Running beginners are welcome too.
photo from 6/12 Friday Palace Run
The Vegetarian Runner Reporter from "Veggy Steady Go" magazine (http://www.veggy.jp/) joined our Palace Run. We, a group of 8, did nice two loops. After that, we dined at our usual Chaya Macrobi.
6/27 (Sat) Palace Run (organized by Junko)
Where/When: Sakuradamon (near police box) at 5pm
This event will be canceled in case of heavy rain.
Pls RSVP by commenting on this blog or email, by a day prior.
We'll run a palace loop or two depending on the level of participants. All levels of runners are welcome. Please come to the meeting place ready to run. Using a station locker (300yen) or ArtSports Hibiya's shower room (500yen) is recommended. We will dine at ChayaMacrobi vegetarian restaurant after the run. (There are no coin lockers in Sakuradamon and Takebashi stations, so Hibiya station is recommended.)
6/21 (Sun) Palace Run (organized by Midori)
大雨の場合は中止。参加希望の方は前日までにこのブログにコメントで参加表明か、メールでお知らせください。ゆっくり~各自のレベルで気楽に走りましょう。荷物は駅ロッカー(300円、日比谷駅など)に預けるかアートスポーツ日比谷店(500円でロッカー・シャワーが使えます)を利用してください。練習が終わったあとはFreshness Burgerでベジバーガーでも。(駅ロッカーを使う場合は桜田門や竹橋はロッカーがないので気をつけて。日比谷が一番便利です。)
Where/When: Sakuradamon (near police box) at 8am
This event will be canceled in case of heavy rain. Pls RSVP by commenting on this blog or email by the day before. We'll run around a Palace loop or two depending on the level of participants. All levels of runners are welcome. Please come to the meeting place ready to run. Using a station locker (300yen) or ArtSports Hibiya's shower room (500yen) is recommended. We will probably have coffee or a vegetable burger at Freshness Burger in Hibiya. (There are no coin lockers at Sakuradamon and Takebashi stations, so Hibiya station is recommended.)
6/12 (Fri) Palace Run (organized by Junko)
参加者のレベルにあわせて夕方の皇居をきもちよく走りましょ~。荷物は駅ロッカー(300円、日比谷駅など)に預けるかアートスポーツ日比谷店(500円でロッカー・シャワーが使えます)を利用してください。練習終わったあとはいつものように日比谷シャンテ内のチャヤマクロビレストランで食事をしましょう! (駅ロッカーを使う場合は桜田門や竹橋はロッカーがないので気をつけて。日比谷が一番便利です。)
Where/When: Sakuradamon (near police box) at 7pm
This event will be canceled in case of heavy rain.
Pls RSVP by commenting on this blog or email by a day prior.
We'll run a palace loop or two depending on the level of participants. All levels of runners are welcome. Please come to the meeting place ready to run. Using a station locker (300yen) or ArtSports Hibiya's shower room (500yen) is recommended. We will dine at ChayaMacrobi vegetarian restaurant after the run. (There are no coin lockers at Sakuradamon and Takebashi stations, so Hibiya station is recommended.)
6/7 (Sun) LSD: Tokyo Mini Marathon (organized by Miho)
新宿から東京マラソンコースを走ろう! 飯田橋、日比谷、品川、桜田門、半蔵門、四谷を通って新宿に戻る約30KのコースをゆっくりLSDします(7.5-8K/hのペースで戻り予定時刻は7時半から8時頃)。途中で切り上げる場合はいつでも電車で引き返してOK。荷物をロッカーに預けるなどして集合場所に走れる状態で来てください。途中で飲み物などを買えるように小銭などの用意を忘れずに。大雨の場合などは中止になります。参加予定の方にはオーガナイザーの人の連絡先などをお伝えします。
Meeting Place: in front of Victorica Golf Shinjuku
When: 4pm
This event will be canceled in case of a heavy rain.
Pls RSVP by commenting on this blog or email by a day prior.
Those who were lucky enough to run Tokyo Marathon and those who weren't, how about running (part of) the Tokyo Marathon course together?
The course includes Shinjuku (start), Iidabashi, Hibiya, Shinagawa, Sakuradamon, Hanzomon and Yotsuya, before returning to Shinjuku. Estimated distance is about 30km. We'll try to finish running by 7:30pm - 8:00pm.
Please come to the meeting point in a running outfit. We suggest you put your belongings in a coin locker at Shinjuku station. Please bring some changes with you so that you can buy food/drinks if needed at convenience stores on the road. This is not a race, so we will run at a slow pace (7.5km - 8.0km / hour). If you want to run a shorter distance, you can always go back to Shinjuku by train.
We ran Ekiden Carnival (2009/05/10)
Organizers of Japan Vegan Runners Club
Rawfood Vegan, Yogini, Runner.
Miho (Assistant Organizer アシスタントオーガナイザー)
Midori (Assistant Organizer アシスタントオーガナイザー)
May Training Schedule
5/10 (日) チームビーガンとチームヨギーニで駅伝カーニバル参加!
5/16 (土) 3:00pm, 皇居ラン
5/23 (土) 4:00pm, 東京ミニマラソン(新宿から東京マラソンのコースにそってLSDを行います)
5/30 (土) 9:00am, 高尾山ハイキング(メンバー以外の方も歓迎です。お弁当持参でお気軽にご参加ください)
全日程、全てのレベルのランナー歓迎です。ぜひお気軽にご参加ください! 初めての方は集合場所などの詳細をお問い合わせ下さい(vegan.runners@gmail.com)
May Schedule
5/10 Sun, Ekiden Carnival
5/16 Sat, 3pm, Palace Run
5/23 Sat, 4pm, Tokyo Mini Marathon (from Shinjuku)
5/30 Sat, 9am, Mt. Takao Hiking
All levels of runners are welcome. Contact (vegan.runners@gmail.com) for more information.