It was just four of us, Junko, Hiro, Allyn and Molly, getting together at Takaosanguchi Station in the cold and rainny morning of the holiday Friday, Nov. 23. We were so glad at the top of Takao to have this great view of beautiful, misty mountains.
At Momiji Dai, near the top of Takao, colored leaves were so beautiful, and we got to run on a pretty carpet of momiji's. :)))
Most part of the path where we didn't have the momiji carpet was very muddy and slippery, though. We decent from Kagenobu Yama and ran the Ura-Takao path to Takao Station from which we took a train back to Takaosanguchi Station to retrieve our stuff from lockers (but now I think we could've just run to Takaosanguchi Station instead of Takao time!).
We were so hungry after the run that we went straight to Chien Fu (Nakaichi Sosyoku) in Kunitachi for yummy vegan lunch!
Thanks for the great run!