Yamathon anyone?
E-mail me at : vegan.runners@gmail.com
What's your race schedule for 2012?
Tell us which races you are doing this year!
みなさんの今年のレーススケジュールはどんなですか? コメントで記入してください。
2/24 Friday Evening Palace Run (Tokyo Marathon Eve Eve Palace Run)
Organizer: Junko
集合:19:00 @桜田門(交番ボックスの近く)
皇居を軽く流します。反時計回りに走りますので、遅れてしまった場合は、時計回りに走って見つけてください。ランの後は、チャヤかain sophで軽く食事。 雨の場合はキャンセルする可能性があります。東京マラソン前々夜のランになります。そんなに混んでいないことをねがいつつ。。。
Starting from Sakuradamon at 7:00pm (meeting near the police box). This will be an easy jog around the Palace for 2 or 3 loops. If you come late, run clock-wise and find us. :) It will be Tokyo Marathon Eve Eve run...hope the palace is not so crowded.
After the run, we'll have a quick vegan bite at Chaya or ain soph.
If you are planning to come, please let me know by Thursday evening by commenting on this blog or via e-mail (vegan.runners@gmail.com). If this is your first time, please e-mail and let me know your cell phone info (number or ketaie-mail) in case I need to cancel this last minute due to weather. If you have any questions regarding locker/shower facilities around the palace, let me know.
Photos from the previous Ekiden race
2/15 Wednesday Evening Palace Run
集合:19:00 @桜田門の交番の近く。
ランの後は、いつものチャヤマクロビに行きますので、時間が許せばぜひどうぞ。食事だけの参加、ランだけの参加も歓迎です。 雨の場合はキャンセルする可能性があります。
Meet me at Sakuradamon at 7:00pm (near the police box). This will be an easy jog around the Palace for 2 or 3 loops. If you come late, run clock-wise and find us. :)
After the run, let's go to our usual Chaya Macrobi, for a quick vegan bite. Feel free to join even just for run or meal. :) In case of rain, I may cancel this run.
If you are planning to come, please let me know by Wednesday morning by commenting on this blog or e-mail (vegan.runners@gmail.com). If this is your first time, please e-mail and let me know your cell phone info (number or ketai
e-mail) in case I need to cancel this last minute due to weather. If you have any questions regarding locker/shower facilities around the palace, let me know. Pls note: the locker/shower facilities (especially men’s locker room) tend to be very crowded on Wednesday night.
2/12 (Sun) Palace Run
集合:3:30 @桜田門の交番の近く。
ランの後は、いつものチャヤマクロビではなく、東銀座のain sophでカーボロードしようと思います。時間が許せばぜひどうぞ。食事だけの参加、ランだけの参加も歓迎です。 雨の場合はキャンセルする可能性があります。
Meet me at Sakuradamon at 3:30pm (near the police box).
This will be an easy jog around the Palace for 2 or 3 loops. If you come late, run clock-wise and find us. :)
After the run, let's go to a vegan café in Higashi Ginza (ain soph http://ain-soph.jp/cafe.html), instead of our usual Chaya Macrobi, for a good vegan carbo loading. Feel free to come just for the meal if you can't make it to the run (or vice versa). :)
If you are planning to come, please let me know by Saturday evening by commenting on this blog or e-mail (vegan.runners@gmail.com). If this is your first time, please e-mail and let me know your cell phone info (number or ketai
e-mail) in case I need to cancel this last minute due to weather. If you have any questions regarding locker/shower facilities around the palace, let me know.
Happy Vegan Running!