
11/5 (Sat) Vegan Runners team in Ekiden Carnival

Vegan Runnersより1チームが11月5日に多摩川河川敷で行われるEkiden Carnivalに出場します! これは、毎年とても人気で、コスチュームランナーもたくさん出るとてもにぎやかなレースです。

走順予定は: Konnno (10K) --> Akane (5K) --> Junko (3K) --> Allyn (5K)
ビーガンパワーでがんばってきますね。 :) 応援団も歓迎です。

One team from us will run Ekiden Carnival on November 5th. This popular race will be held on the course along the Tama river. It's a fun race with lots of costume runners every year.

The run order (tentative): Konnno (10K) --> Akane (5K) --> Junko (3K) --> Allyn (5K)
We gonna run with Vegan power. :)
Hope you can join us for this race next time.

Happy Vegan Running!


11/3 (holiday) Palace run

Organizer: Junko

集合:11 am @ 桜田門の交番の近く。皇居を軽く2、3周します。反時計回りに走りますので、遅れてしまった場合は、時計回りに走って見つけてください。

雨の場合はキャンセルする可能性があります。参加をする場合は、前日の夜までにメールか、 このブログにコメントを記入して参加する旨をお知らせください。初めての人はメールで、携帯の情報(番号か携帯メール)を教えてください。天候などで急にキャンセルにする場合などにご連絡します。

Meet me at Sakuradamon at 11 am (near the police box). If you come late, run clock-wise and find us. :)
After the run, let's go to Chaya Macrobi for lunch. Feel free to join us even just for run or lunch.

In case of rain, I may cancel this run. If you are planning to come, please let me know by Wednesday evening by commenting on this blog or e-mail. If this is your first time, please e-mail me and let me know your cell phone info (number or ketai e-mail) in case I need to cancel this last minute due to weather.

Happy Vegan Running!

10/22 (Sat) Palace run -- キャンセル This run is canceled due to rain!

Organizer: Junko

集合:3:30 pm @ 桜田門の交番の近く。皇居を軽く2、3周します。反時計回りに走りますので、遅れてしまった場合は、時計回りに走って見つけてください。


Meet me at Sakuradamon at 3:30 pm (near the police box). If you come late, run clock-wise and find us. :)
After the run, let's go to Chaya Macrobi for dinner. Feel free to join us even just for run or dinner.

In case of rain, I may cancel this run. If you are planning to come, please let me know by Friday evening by commenting on this blog or e-mail. If this is your first time, please e-mail me and let me know your cell phone info (number or ketai e-mail) in case I need to cancel this last minute due to weather.

Happy Vegan Running!